13 Nisan 2018, Cuma
saat: 19:10

If an unexamined life is not worth living, does my constantly overanalyzing everything give mine more value?

I’ve been so swamped with work and the house maintenance recently that I haven’t managed to write a lot. It makes me feel stressed and guilty because I feel I should be doing more, but once I’m done either teaching/preparing my coursework or cleaning something I just want to rest, so everything is on hold research-wise for the moment.

Austin put me through Dexa yesterday to see my progress since the beginning of this semester. Apparently, my lean mass has changed positively, but my goal was 22.5% bf and I did not achieve that due to lack of trying last month. Conferences really, really mess up my routine.

Now it’s 11:03 am & I’m planning to skip lunch to finish writing feedback for my students’ final paper proposals. Do I need to be doing this right now? Is it somehow that pressing? Literally not at all. I am a textbook example of What Not To Do in order to be a healthy human being.

