12 Temmuz 2018, Perşembe
saat: 22:01

I knew when A. moved here that the shelf life of our ‘normal relationship’ had an expiration date. It was only a matter of time before he found a job and moved out of state, and we would find ourselves in the ever-dreaded long distance relationship.. again. And now it's happening. He got an offer for his dream job, which is in another state, 350 miles away from me, and while we're both ecstatic at the opportunity, I already know how much I'll miss being around him. Of course we will adjust to the new schedule, talk and text and email and Skype when we get the chance...but this is a big shift. Minor meltdowns will probably be a thing. What we'll need in the long run is action to make things the best they can be while we are apart so that we actually make it to the point where we can be together and get to that best bit.
I no longer think about my future. I think about our future.

Courage, dear heart.
