16 Ekim 2021, Cumartesi
saat: 10:24

only two hours left to A’s arrival, thank god! I have worked really hard this week and I hope this means I can take the weekend off! I completed my traditional mid-semester assessment of student progress where I divide them into the categories “sailing along beautifully,” “making good progress,” “moving in a direction but is it the right one? might need course correction soon,” and “impending shipwreck?”
as always one of the big challenges of midterm check-ins/ advising is that you have to figure out when to give a student directive feedback (because they should not continue doing the thing they have been if they want to pass the class), when to pose a carefully framed series of questions (so that the student will talk themselves through something and realize on their own what the problem is), and when to let them sail off for a week to lightly crash & burn (because experience is the only real teacher). lol today I have done a fun mix of all three and my brain is Very Tired of making decisions. ok I am going to get through the last few tasks before going to bed and then spend some time with the kitty and fall asleep. I CAN DO IT!!!!!!!
