15 Şubat 2016, Pazartesi
saat: 21:25
You're not supposed to speak ill of the dead, but Antonin Scalia... I don’t have much good to say. Rest better than you wanted others to live. ..and don't even get me started on the BS Republicans have been pulling nowadays. Threatening to block anyone Obama nominates for the chance of one of their own becoming President and nominating a new Justice is childish at best, and just plain stupid and UNCONSTITUTIONAL at worst. HE HAS A CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY TO APPOINT SOMEONE, IDIOTS! If you'd rather a Republican appoint the next Justice, which is what this is really about, then you should've won the 2012 election! Whether Obama or Bush was in office, the President would have an obligation to fill this seat and not doing so would be an impeachable offense. But yeah, let's wait for another year and force SCOTUS to come to a grinding halt on closely divided issues because we've all lost our minds, apparently. UGH. //rant over. | ||