17 Şubat 2016, Çarşamba
saat: 22:02

So you screwed up. You ate way too much, and skipped your fucking workout. You missed that important deadline, or you just bailed whatever fuck you were supposed to do. You gave up and gave in. You are feeling miserable,



and stupid.

So what? Do you think everybody is doing just fine? Everybody but you?

You think you are a very, very bad person with a low self-esteem and self-confidence? Or what? Lack or discipline?

Nope. Not at all true. This doesn’t make you a bad person. It makes you human. We never thought you were a god-like creature anyway. You are human, with imperfections. So accept it.

Welcome in the club, sweetheart. Please make yourself at home.

There are like 7 billion of us around here.
