14 Aralık 2020, Pazar
saat: 00:54

"It has been said that depression is a failure to imagine a plausible desirable future for oneself, and, not just in Marin, but in the whole region, in the Bay Area, and in many other places too, places both near and far, the apocalypse appeared to have arrived and yet it was not apocalyptic, which is to say that while the changes were jarring they were not the end, and life went on, and people found things to do and ways to be and people to be with, and plausible desirable futures began to emerge, unimaginable previously, but not unimaginable now, and the result was something not unlike relief."

Mohsin Hamid - Exit West

I want to spend these days I have to myself editing and creating. And I feel so much these days. I feel so much. I miss all my friends. I miss my family so much. So much of this is a lesson in staying in place - living for a little with a slip of patience ... a bite of silence.
And I have to work some. I want to work some. I want to lock myself up so I can make all the things I think of making. Perhaps A. could be in another room ready for a chat when I’m through. Otherwise, he wouldn’t bother me because I’m busy and if he understands nothing else he understands my need to be doing, always, something. And I want it to mean something - this life. I want it to mean that something good came out from these working hands. I do need to get back to exercising, too. Prioritize it. Fit it in. My body is so wore out from a lack of physicality. And I need to work back in the other loves of my life as well.

"The end of the world can be cozy at times."

saat: 00:17

trying to slog through reading & picking articles for our revisions while also contemplating writing some new pieces of my own while also reading the newest issue of JCMS & drinking A's most recent coffee find (& it tastes delightful) while also being really grateful for a lot of things including my precious husband & my cat sleeping on my lap. I am beyond lucky for my life & I should appreciate it more.
