17 Aralık 2020, Çarşamba
saat: 02:08

why did I do that it was a total stupid choice to tell everything to actually a stranger. What am ı doing now. It s better to pull myself from social life and meeting people. I dont need this anymore. This is what is giving you superficiality. And you dont need to superficialize yourself or make other people piity you. What you need is to bring a change. And now I see slowly people s heart is dry a little.Why we are unhappy and why are we totally selfish , why are we not feeling the suffering of the other? Why are we not wanting to stay in the perhipery of pain and pleasure. Why we dont see ourselves from outside? Why are we who we are ? Death , Life , breathing not breathing . Talking and talking and talking I will leave all this shit behind me all this pittying and make myself worthy to deserve what I get maybe get what I need to get
