02 Ocak 2021, Cumartesi
![]() saat: 17:56
![]() I don't watch Turkish historical tv series related with the terms before the Republic. I don't know why yet I have a negative prejudice for them. I mean, somehow especially after increasing popularism of “Neo-ottoman” shitty perspective, I always think they are taken in order to support the “Neo-ottoman” opinions. However I know lots of foreign friends watching them a lot and what I find interesting is they like the series. Since I am never into Sultan Suleyman and I actually think him as the “assassin” of the empire and think his term is the beginning of the end and not magnificent or sth related to be magnificent - contrary to common opinion, to be honest I haven't watched the Suleyman series. Yet I think a week or two I found one related with Ahmet I and started watching it - if you can call this as watching. I mean I start watching and it plays background and I do what ever I am doing - meaning : I almost am not watching it. Yet time to time, when I catch a phrase or a situation and if I cannot remember what it was in history, I make a search on google and start reading. The best thing about esp scholar google is, you can even reach many articles(papers) related with history also. Anyways.. Many people watch them because they are full of “what the fuck” level of cabals for throne and mostly for power rather than throne; which I hate a lot. Some watch it because of the “high tensioned” love stories they have ... For both I am pretty sure, what we see on screen is far less than what could have happened in past. I am pretty sure - because I am Turkish. Interestingly I would not be thinking like this if I would not have been living in Japan for 4.5 years. Since I am away and alone here I had many times to read, think and observe the Turkish people either from a distance or by directly being in them and listening people’s stories. So I cannot say they are exaggerating what had happened. However still there are really funny stuff in them, like my asking myself like “what the fuck this person is in this series now? he was not living those times even??” Means, there are some points to be clarified. There are many kings and sultans in the Ottoman history some has similar names. And sometimes they appear in the series as if the popular one :) If you are a person with no interest in Turkish history, the result of the series can be seriously confusing. Oh.. I commented a lot about what I did not aim to comment about. I had one thing I want to say: Again as I mentioned above, some watch them because of passionate love stories, some watch them because of the high quality and some watch them because of the cabals (lets say chess games). What I see in them is, “how disgusting the power is” As I said once in one of my instagram posts (which has nothing to do with series): People are afraid of dark because they can't see in dark. Yet there is also a situation where the light makes you blind and It is more dangerous than the blindness that is brought by darkness. Because in darkness, if you find the light you can start seeing again or If you get used to darkness you will start seeing in time .. However in light if you go blind there is no way that you can see again unless you fall into darkness.And I can clearly say that the later one was the problem of many powerful people, such as sultans of Ottoman Empire and Ottoman Empire itself. The feeling of self satisfaction is the most powerful enemy of you. Never forget. Self-satisfaction will make you blind in light and you won't be able to differentiate between right and wrong anymore. Self satisfaction will make you the puppet of power. | ||