31 Ocak 2021, Cumartesi
![]() saat: 03:46
![]() Does the trees in Afghanistan hates the trees in India? Does the birds when they fly to another country do they feel any difference or belongings? If God favored one race on another , one religion on another why would the mother earth gave it s beauty and richness in different shapes all around the world without discriminating? What makes one think that one s religion is better then another? What makes one think that a woman has to be under a man? What makes one think that animals were created for the man to eat them? What makes one think that one can control the nature, that one can control the woman and that one can control the art??? When Soviet Union started to control the religion and they had forbidden arts so Dosteyevski, Tolstoy, Maksim Gorki was born and people returned back to religion and to many alternative believes... They didnt suceed to supress arts and belives... When they tortured woman, showed violance to them they couldnt kill the beauty in them, they existed to live in supression but brought about their beauty and freedom came from beauty in their soul. When they supressed our minds with the toys of smart technologies, they may have supressed our minds and made them less smart, but they couldnt supress our souls. At some point those looking for their freedom their souls cried out and became free from all kinds of supression. When they threaten and put fear to us from religion and a fear from God, they made people believe, but those follow the heart knows no fear, they couldnt supress many with their psychological manipulation using fear and emberassment, using division and groupism ... Now people especially the young who had seen the world they dont want to follow any kind of supression. Now it has been a lot of supression from many places and the life philosophy is to push the all kind of supressions away and to find any idea which might not carry any idea. To find an ideology without ideas that is not any idea any smell that can carry the reactions that were piled up against the supressions... So again the secret suppresion of capitalism captivates them without much thoughts towards the basic instinctive parts of human design. That capitalism studies sociol psychology and psychology in a very comprehensive way that it can dynamically change itself on every moment to follow and eventually guide the trend of thought. Did we realise how much we got dependent on the government and society that if everything falls apart one day we wont able to survive. Are you aware we dont know how to grow our own food, how to make shelters, how to educate, how to give birth , how to know about medicine and human biology. WE depend on the supermarket food, we depend on the packaged medical system, we depend on the hospitals, we depend on the schools to send our children , we depend on the government where we pay our taxes all the time, we depend on the soil that we could buy from government, we depend on the money for completeing all other dependencies, we depend on internet because now the virtual life which consists most of our life exists there ... Even in the comfort of our houses, as the more money we have we can be more comfortable , but still there is no peace , but still some woman, some man is getting beaten is getting torchered in their private places. Every moment a person silently dies, and our comfort zones cannot grieve , cannot give a break to hand our hands to them. We hear and see in our news channels, the war, femmine, we see torchure and killing of women , hunger of children. We see on the streets. We continue our lives with zapping. We continue our minds with zapping. Our hands with scrolling. Jumping from one reality to another in the endless pearls of knowledge in the big ocean of virtual world. We say they are not one of us, we are lucky. We say they are not in our country , so sad what to do. We say it is so sad but I dont like to see these kind of sad news. We say yes but why do they give birth to more children? Do you know the biggest virus on this earth now is not corona but the mans selfishness. Thousands of woman and children gets domestic and non domestic violance. Thousands of them die every second with pain and suffering. Thousands of woman loses their nose, ear or get burned every second. The virus of violance grows as the pressure on a more male dominated society and the rigid borders of manliness is pressurized on innocent childrens minds. The virus of violance grows as we keep one part of the world hungry and without education. And now every being on this earth got focused on a Corona virus because the Corona virus can touch the rich mans ass also. And because of fear of losing, we obey everything reasonable or unreasonable from our governments out of fear. No the biggest virus is the mans selfishness... Does the woman belongs to her husband or any man? No woman belongs to any husband, they are all titles which makes a side to side living but not belonging. Does the children belongs to their mother and father? A child is born with a free spirit, family only could take care and love them without expectations, but cannot own , control or misuse any kind of power. Does the nature in one country, the forests,rivers and the mountains, belongs to that country? Nature knows no borders no countries , we live on earth and the earth is the world, no government has the right to misuse nature because that they have power. Does the soil belongs to a government which could be sold or taken, earned by the blood of young hearts? Does the art pieces belongs to the country that they were born of? Actually nothing belongs to any person or any specific country. They are all belong to this earth and this universe. And we have the responsibility to take them under our wings if needed of protection as much as we have the feathers to protect the fragile from the rain and storm that had made them weak. Until and unless the extreme suffering in some countries doesnt seize to exit there will be no real peace in our hearts because we know, our hearts those know, even we choose to look other directions... | ||