13 Mart 2021, Cuma
saat: 01:47
First COVID-19 shot DONE! I am feeling a sense of relief I was not expecting to feel right now. When I got my "Vaccinated" sticker, I actually teared up, which I wasn’t really expecting, and the nurse administering my vaccine was like “oh yeah, happens all the time. You’re living through a historic moment—it’s a big deal,” which I thought was a nice thing for her to say. She also added people tended to have more side effects after the second jab of Moderna, but thankfully my second dose will be given on a Friday and I should be able to take the weekend off and just sleep or watch TV or something. So far: arm a little sore, nothing unusual. “Is it foolish to speak of little joys that occur in the middle of tragedy? It is our humanity. Whatever we have left of it. We must not deny it to ourselves.” — Ilya Kaminsky, Still Dancing Pandemic life these days is glancing at the clock in the evenings thinking “it HAS to be almost bedtime right” only to discover that no, it is 7:27pm. | ||