09 Ekim 2021, Cumartesi
saat: 21:24

being an adult is just saying to yourself “this is the weekend i’ll work on [x], organize [y], and clean my [z]” and then proceeding to not do any of that because it’s the weekend and you deserve to relax, goddamnit

Having one of those weeks where I’m like “living like this is probably not sustainable long term but for now this shit’s gotta get done.” I did not make it into campus today but I did spend the whole day mapping out the rest of the semester, writing the country portfolio requirements, and creating a grading sheet for the students that I really needed to just sit down and finish. But at least I got to spend a nice, relaxing evening with Chiara and Luca yesterday and felt less alone. A. is coming back next week, so I think I might spend tonight cleaning the house while listening to podcasts. my body is not super pleased with me today (for good reason) and I suspect it will make me feel a little better to spend time making my house nicer. I am feeling really bleh about writing today, which I suspect is the double whammy of PMS + being hungover. I might try to write a little by hand tonight but will put no pressure on the draft.

On a scale of one to ten—
You don’t even—
Doesn’t matter what, that’s the way it is for me.
